If you are using Mail.app with with MS Exchange, you know the frustration of sending attachments and opening those dreaded winmail.dat files (the sender sent a MS Exchange email file as an attachment). Grr.
To get around dealing with Microsoft’s refusal to comply with email standards, I recommend two mail.app plug-ins:
Lokiware’s Attachment Tamer and Christopher Atlan’s Letter Opener Pro. Both programs will end the your MS Exchange email attachment problems. Here’s what they do:
Attachment Tamer (from the Lokiware product description):
- Display (and print) images, PDFs, audio and video as icons with an optional file size limit and exceptions;
- Send messages compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Exchange and other software, preventing the superfluous “ATT0001” attachments;
- Send images as regular attachments, making it easier for the recipient to manipulate the image files;
- Send images embedded in HTML layout and safely mix embedded images with other attachments;
- Display full attachment names regardless of length instead of truncated names;
- Automatically display attachments at the top of messages;
- Prevent unwanted image resizing or set a default size for automatic image resizing.
Letter Opener Pro:
- Allows Browser addachment of a winmail.dat file
- Adds the capability to add appointments contained in winmail.dat files directly to iCal
- Adds the capability to create contacts contained in winmail.dat files directly in Address Book
- Adds the capability to display those dreaded nested messages
- Allows you to convert attached winmail.dat Outlook Notes to plain text
- And reads and delivers MS Exchange receipts (for those nutbags that subscribe to Level 3 Leadership)
Powered by ScribeFire.
Related articles
- The Best Email Client for Mac OS X [App Directory] (lifehacker.com)
- Sparrow – Improvement from Mail.app? (lostincolonisation.wordpress.com)
- OS X Lion First Look: Mail (informationweek.com)
Post Disclaimer
The information contained on this post is my opinion, and mine alone (with the occasional voice of friend). It does not represent the opinions of any clients or employers.