Category: News

  • Dealing with Sunday Anxiety

    Dealing with Sunday Anxiety

    A colleague posted a question to our support forum with the following question: I try to keep my Sundays focused on non-work. This evening, like many Sunday evenings, my brain is already attempting to plan my Monday. And then it wants to start working my Monday. What are your tricks for keeping your off-work time…

  • Essential Travel Tools for iPhone and iPad

    Essential Travel Tools for iPhone and iPad

    A close friend recently asked me if I liked TripIt after he noticed the automated posts of my travel plans. This came on the heals of almost a year of constant business travel, so I figured I would give back my tips for the Road Warriors out there trying to remember what city and time…

  • Dinner with a Stranger in a Strange Land

    Dinner with a Stranger in a Strange Land

    I had a random dinner with a stranger last Friday night while bellied up to the bar at the Legal Sea Foods mothership in Boston, MA. I was on my iPad. He was on his iPad. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed scribble on his screen, like cursive manuscript. This caught my…

  • Live Blogging Emma’s Black Belt Test

    Live Blogging Emma’s Black Belt Test

    Showed up early and Emma was really nervous. She will be testing alone. 11:05Already started. Incredible pace of jumping jacks. 11:08 Being judged on accuracy. Emma is really popping her moves. I’m nervous like crazy but confident. 11:09 Just did first form and nailed it! Her face is getting red though. 11:10 Now the Champion…

  • BibleReader for Mac

    BibleReader for Mac

    OliveTree gave us Christmas on Thanksgiving this year with the release of their incredible Bible software, BibleReader for the Mac OSX platform. OliveTree has been around since 1998. Admittedly, I’ve been using their eBible software on the Palm, the Windows Mobile, the iPhone, and the NookColor for since the first release for each platform.

  • Agile Groups in the Washington DC Metro Area

    Agile Groups in the Washington DC Metro Area

    List of Agile professional organizations/groups in the Washington DC Metro Area

  • Getting started with Applescript

    Getting started with Applescript

    A quick link to a resource for learning AppleScript to automate repetitive tasks in OSX.

  • Two plug-ins all Exchange users need

    Two plug-ins all Exchange users need

    If you are using with with MS Exchange, you know the frustration of sending attachments and opening those dreaded winmail.dat files (the sender sent a MS Exchange email file as an attachment). Grr. To get around dealing with Microsoft’s refusal to comply with email standards, I recommend two plug-ins: Lokiware’s Attachment Tamer and…

  • Where are the jobs now? What does that mean for your future and your business’ future?

    Where are the jobs now? What does that mean for your future and your business’ future?

    I was looking up a reference to 37 signals approach to software and couldn’t resist looking at their entire portfolio of products. One product that I noticed is the 37signals Job Board. Look at the jobs listed. Now notice where the jobs are located. Now think about where they are NOT located: the South East.…

  • 4 Hour Body Mindhack for Ice Cream Cravings

    4 Hour Body Mindhack for Ice Cream Cravings

    I just figured out a very obvious but probably not popular mindhack for getting through the week on the slow-carb diet. I love ice cream. Every night before going to sleep I love to have a big bowl of the stuff. Since I am glucose sensitive, the bowl usually put me in a nice sugar-coma……